How to view & select the entertainers available?
When you visit a service page it will display all the relevant information including the entertainer/staff/acts that are available. The availability is based on the location & date you selected previously.
For example let's say you require some bunny girls for a birthday party.
Step 1) You would need to visit the service page.
Step 2) Scroll to this section:
Step 3) Where it says "See + Select Bunny Girls" click this and a popup should display.
Note: For other service pages e.g. Female Stripper related services would display "See + Select Female Stripper". Similarly for Dwarf Hire related services would display "See + Select Dwarf".
The popup should look something like below for Bunny Girl services. (Our website shows availability in real time with accurate pricing).
Image of selection of bunny girls:
Step 4) Select the bunny girls required.
Step 5) Add to cart and proceed to book.